Cephalopod Biology and Care Training Program (CBC)
Following the experience of designing and organizing Training Schools within the aims and objectives of the COST Action FA1301 ‘CephsInAction’ the Association for Cephalopod Research ‘CephRes’ ETS i. consolidated the Cephalopod Biology and Care Training Program (CBC), and ii. is activating other specialist courses aimed at increasing Education and Training of different professional profiles and/or young generations. We are also committed in promoting CPD (Continuing Professional Development).
The CBC Training program is now a FELASA accredited course in laboratory animal science for EU Functions A/C/D, registered in ETPLAS.
Cephalopod Biology and Care – CBC is designed to comply the requirements of the “working document on the development of a common education and training framework to fulfill the requirements under the Directive 2010/63/EU” (European Commission, 2014), and in line with the EU Directive 2010/63 (Article 23) requiring that education in LAS is to be mandatory in all EU countries and is regulated by Competent Authorities. CBC follows FELASA E&T Board recommendations (see also Gyger et al, 2018).
Cephalopod Biology and Care – CBC is a Function A/C/D course according to the EU Directive 2010/63 (article 23.2), accredited by the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Association (FELASA), as the sole operating course specifically designed for training on cephalopod molluscs as lab-animals, in compliance with Article 23 and Annex V of the Directive 2010/63/EU.
We are extending our accreditation to species-specific training for animal species that share the Biota with cephalopods, i.e. marine fishes – organisms novel as laboratory animals in the modern LAS-context. We are also expanding our training program to include Function B.
CBC Training Program is designed to provide lectures, case study/problem-based learning (PBL), student’s presentations, seminars/tutorials, practical hands-on training, etc.
The official language of the CBC Training Program is English
The original scheme included training during face-to-face sessions. We started to experience online live training scheme due to COVID-19 pandemics. We now implemented a mixed training scheme with preliminary online sessions, followed by a full immersion (4/5 days, depending on the species-modules requested) In-Person training classroom-based learning experience.
CBC Training Program is designed around the “Working document on the development of a common education and training framework to fulfil the requirements under the Directive 2010/63/EU”, and includes:
Core Modules
Function Specific Modules:
• Function A: “carrying out procedures on animals”
• Function C: “person taking care of animals”
• Function D: “person killing animals”
CBC is designed around Cephalopod Biology and Care and based on cephalopod species-specific training based on Learning Outcomes as identified in the above-mentioned EU working document.
CBC is now expanding to meet and include species that share with cephalopods the Biota, i.e. marine fish – as the sole other species included in the Directive 2010/63/EU that live at sea. We recognize that a well-established research has been centered on these organisms, and that nowadays there is an increasing interest towards a welfare-oriented approach to study these animals. We will put our E&T experience to serve the scientific community to continue to grow.
CBC Training Program encompass information useful to scientists, students, post-docs, qualified veterinarians, technicians, and people required to handle cephalopods and other organisms, including capture from the wild, especially in light of the Directive and its transposition in Member States. We are planning to extend our accreditation to Function B within the next months/years.
The recommendations and training we provide is based on EU-Directive 2010/63 standards, but is applicable everywhere in any non-EU countries. The course covers also a. non-invasive or minimally invasive approaches as applied to cephalopods and marine fish, and b. management and assessment of animal welfare including establishment and monitoring cephalopods and/or marine fishes for their physiological and behavioural needs.
Assessment – Trainees of the CBC Training Program courses have to pass an individual assessment; this will allow to receive a CBC FELASA certificate and ad-hoc additional certifications. The certification for marine fish species-specific is pending FELASA accreditation.
Individual assessment is based on learning outcomes in compliance with the above-mentioned requirements. Trainees have to face a three-steps examination combining Single Best Answer (SBA) and Short Answer Questions (or SAQs) online and then in person (this is the revised scheme starting from CBC2022 edition). Practical Training (Demo and Hands-on) is followed by OSPE assessment (objective structured practical examination) for practical skills (based on LOs). Trainees that not pass the final examination session will be allowed to attend an Exam Retake session organized no later than two months from the end of the course.
How CBC2022 runs:
1. Teaching is delivered on-line, assuring virtual simultaneous presence of the Member of the Faculty, and at least a Tutor of the CBC Core Team and the Trainees
2. Each lecture/session in our program is delivered into 1-3 consecutive days, depending on the original duration, and specific Q&A and summary sessions are added during the entire training program
3. Virtual teaching experience is adopted including White/Black-Board platforms to facilitate interaction, guidance and Q&A. IT-Tools are adopted to warrant adequate levels of individual attention, participation and interaction
4. Training material (i.e. presentations delivered and readings) is available through the CBC SharePoint to Registered Trainees
5. The on-line phase will be followed by an intensive face-to-face in-Person training classroom-based learning (Theory and Group Work)
6. Practical session training (hands-on)
7. Final Assessment
Course PLAN:
Phase 1: Theory (on-line) – include seminars and group work
Phase 2: Preliminary Assessment
Phase 3: In-Person training classroom-based learning & Practical Training sessions
Phase 4: Final Assessment and Exams
CBC Trainees are assisted for any possible misunderstanding due to language comprehension
The official registration to the CBC2022 FELASA A/B/C course is now open (again!)
Registration is on first-come, first-served basis.
A maximum of 25 trainees maybe accommodated!
There are two registration fees: one for people that want to provide lodging on their own, and one including course registration, lodging and all lunches.
COURSE REGISTRATION fee: Full: 1000.00 euro – Single Taxon: 800 euro
Full course registration fee is intended for those would like to acquire Training on both taxa (cephalopods & marine fish); ‘single taxon’ is intended for Trainees interested in Training on either cephalopods or marine fish.
The Course Registration Fee includes:
• course material
• access to the CBC SharePoint including teaching material (access up to one year after the end of the course)
• coffee breaks and light lunches during Phase #3 and #4
• Final certificate (for those that pass after examination)
• One year CPD (continuous professional development, advice – after the certification)
Registration fee is due within 10 days after confirmation of registration, as indicated in the confirmation email!
All payments are in EUR. The registration system will take your data in respect to the privacy and the most advanced data-encryption method to secure your data. After processing your registration, you will receive an email and instructions for the payment, in agreement with the method selected during registration. If payment will be not completed as indicated in the registration confirmation email, your registration to the CBC course will not be finalized and Course Organizer Team will contact you as follow-up.
We accept credit cards and payment through bank transfers.
After your payment is verified your registration is finalized.
The confirmation of payment of the registration fee is the sole method to assure confirmation of registration. This will allow accessing Students’ SharePoint and the preliminary training required to fulfil the Training & Education Criteria required by this course.
A receipt as proof of payment of the Registration Fee will be issued according to fiscal rules valid in EU and Italy. In the case of need of a VAT invoice this will be issued accordingly.
Depending on bank and/or credit card processing fees, bank charges related with the payment will be at registrant own expense.
We do not accept payments by check, at dates not agreed and/or at the Venue.
Partial refund of the Registration Fee will be provided in case of cancelling two-weeks before the In-Person session and/or the official start of the Course. CephRes Finance Dept will evaluate case-by-case. A 300 euro secretarial costs will be deduced from the costs of registration, as cancellation fee. There will be no refund for no-show.
A receipt for the cancellation fee will be issued.
No financial support will be provided.
However, based on a specific request the CBC CO Team & CephRes will evaluate waivers based on established criteria. To apply to a waiver contact CBC CO Team[dticon ico=”icon-miu-email73″][/dticon]
At the end of the Course each Trainee has to pass an individual assessment of the learning outcomes (final examination).
The assessment takes place on the last afternoon (or morning) of the course, depending on the schedule. This is a formal assessment so will be conducted under exam conditions.
The assessment will comprise a written paper lasting 90 mins, plus a practical skills‐based assessment. The written assessment consists of two types of questions (Single Best Answer, SBA; Short Answer Questions, SAQ).
For the Practical assessment, Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) assessment will be applied.
Pass criteria
a) The Trainee is expected to attend all formal training sessions.
b) The Trainers may assess participation/engagement, and the Course Program encourages each student to participate and share knowledge and experience with other course participants.
c) Trainee must obtain 70% on the written assessments (SBA [60marks] and SAQ [30marks]; 63/90 to pass this component). This pass mark is based on recommendations in the Directive training document and reflects the essentially core nature of the majority of material covered in this course. Some of the questions are considered critical (see #e, below) and incorrect answers to those questions will not allow to pass, despite reaching the threshold of correct answers.
d) For the practical/skills task, each Trainee is awarded 10 marks is pass-criteria and 0 marks if not.
e) Among questions asked during the written exam (and during the OSPE) there are some critical ones and that despite the final marks, a Trainee maybe considered not to pass if failing in more than two(2) of the ‘critical’ questions.
To pass the course each student must pass both the written (SBA+SAQ) and practical (OSPE) elements.
During examinations, each Trainee is asked to do his/her own work. Talking or discussion is not permitted during the examination, nor compare papers, copy from others, collaborate in any way. Any interaction with other people, or collaborative behaviour during the examination will result in failure of the exam and may lead to failure of the course.
Final Mark is provided in the form of overall mark for SBA+SAQ as a percentage indicating pass/fail (pass mark 70%) for the written paper overall. Weaknesses in any specific module will be noted.
Examination Retake Procedure
Students who fail are asked for ʺretaking the assessmentʺ. If they accept the following procedure is applied. After accepting to retake the assessment, students are allowed one month to study the reading and teaching material provided through the CBC Sharepoint. The ‘exam retake’ consists in an online examination followed by a short interview, with an expected duration of about 90 minutes. The session is recorded (both audio and video, for future records and to provide documents for subsequent evaluation). During the interview the student is asked to do not have access to any other support apart from a stable/reliable Internet connection, and a web‐cam that will allow the Examination Committee (at least two members of the CBC Faculty) to interview the student in person.
Students are assisted for any possible misunderstanding due to language comprehension.
As for the original session, the pass criterion is fixed to 70%.
The interview is carried out in English.
As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, CephRes and the CBC Training Program Core Team decided to continue its commitment in Training and Education of the Scientific Community and adopting a virtual training experience. This is aimed to limit moving people around countries, and any possible difficulties may emerge considering the different nationalities involved. Care for All Trainees and Trainers is our foremost priority
The CBC2022 FELASA accredited Course (CBC2022 ‘Virtual’ Training) aims to meet your needs and expectations in this challenging time and will offer the same cutting edge scientific and specialist training program including lectures, seminars, interactive experience, Questions&Answers as planned originally.
Accessible from all over the world to registered Trainees, CBC Virtual Training represents an exciting alternative to the regular ‘physical’ face-to-face training format. Professionally implemented online, we will adopt the cutting-edge web-based technology to facilitate your training and promote interaction between Trainees and the Faculty (CephRes adopted CISCO Webex Suite and BlackBoard Collaborate – the systems will be further implemented in CephRes website in the future, for improving continuing support and training experience).
Practical hands-on sessions and final assessment (OSPE) is scheduled to occur “in person” (December 12-16, 2022) at:
Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA)
Carretera de Poble Nou, km 5,5, 43540
La Ràpita, Tarragona, Spain
BC2022 – Overview of Modules and Learning Outcomes
Legislations related to Cephalopods
The Directive 2010/63 and a comparative overview of National- D. Anderson
1.1 Identify and describe the national and EU laws and guidance which regulate the scientific use of
animals and in particular the activities of those carrying out scientific procedures involving them.
1.2 Identify and describe related animal welfare legislation.
1.3 Describe the authorisation that is needed before acting as user, breeder or supplier of laboratory
animals and especially the authorisation required for projects and where applicable individuals.
1.5 Describe the role of the personnel and their statutory duties and other responsibilities under the
National Legislation.
1.6 Describe the roles and responsibilities of the local animal welfare bodies and the national committee
for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
1.7 Indicate who is responsible for compliance at an establishment and how this responsibility may be
1.8 Describe when a procedure becomes regulated under National legislation (minimum threshold of pain,
suffering, distress or lasting harm).
1.9 Indicate who bears primary responsibility for the animals undergoing procedures.
1.10 List which species, including respective stages of development that are included in the scope of the
Directive / National law.
1.12 Describe the legislative controls over the killing of animals bred or used for scientific procedures.
2.5 Describe how the law is based on an ethical framework which requires 1) weighing the harms and
benefits of projects (the harm/benefit assessment) 2) applying the Three Rs to minimise the harm,
maximise benefits and 3) promote good animal welfare practices.
2.10 Describe the regulations regarding re-use of animals.
23.28 Summarise the key aspects of the legislation protecting laboratory animals.
23.29 Discuss how the legislation controls the use of animals for scientific purposes.
Education & Training post implementation of Directive 2010/63/EU;
requirements and needs for cephalopod ‘workers’- P. Vergara
1.1 Identify and describe the national and EU laws and guidance which regulate the scientific use of
animals and in particular the activities of those carrying out scientific procedures involving them.
1.3 Describe the authorisation that is needed before acting as user, breeder or supplier of laboratory
animals and especially the authorisation required for projects and where applicable individuals.
1.4 List sources of information and support that are available (regarding national legislation).
1.6 Describe the roles and responsibilities of the local animal welfare bodies and the national committee
for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
1.7 Indicate who is responsible for compliance at an establishment and how this responsibility may be
exercised (e.g. through the local AWB).
1.10 List which species, including respective stages of development that are included in the scope of the
Directive/National law.
1.12 Describe the legislative controls over the killing of animals bred or used for scientific procedures.
2.2 Describe the responsibility of humans when working with research animals and recognise the
importance of having a respectful and humane attitude towards working with animals in research.
Education & Training post implementation of Directive 2010/63/EU; requirements and needs
for cephalopod ‘workers’- continued – P. Vergara
2.3 Identify ethical and animal welfare issues in their own work and be aware and able to reflect on the
consequences of their own actions.
2.12 Describe the need for a culture of care and the individual’s role in contributing to this.
G. Fiorito – Guidelines for the Care and Welfare of Cephalopods: a short intro
4.1 Describe suitable routines and husbandry practices for the maintenance, care and welfare for a range
of animals used in research, to include small laboratory species and large animal species where
4.2 Describe suitable environmental and housing conditions for laboratory animals, how conditions are
monitored and identify the consequences for the animal resulting from inappropriate environmental
Care and welfare of cephalopod egg masses – R. Villanueva
3.1.1 Describe basic anatomy, physiology, reproduction and behaviour of the relevant species.
3.1.3 Indicate how good welfare can promote good science: e.g. explain how the failure to attend to
biological and behavioural needs may affect the outcome of procedures
23.7 Describe suitable routines and housing conditions or laboratory animals housed for different scientific
23.8 Explain how routines and housing conditions may change given specified conditions
Cephalopod Biology:form to function– G. Fiorito
3.1.1 Describe basic anatomy, physiology, reproduction and behaviour of the relevant species.
3.1.7 When relevant to the species, recognise that there are different strains, and that these can have
different characteristics which can affect both welfare and science
Ethics, the Three Rs and welfare considerations when using cephalopods – J.B. Prins
2.2 Describe the responsibility of humans when working with research animals and recognise the
importance of having a respectful and humane attitude towards working with animals in research.
2.4 Recognise that compliance with ethical principles may contribute to the long-term trust and acceptance
in scientific research from the general public
2.5 Describe how the law is based on an ethical framework which requires 1) weighing the harms and
benefits of projects (the harm/benefit assessment) 2) applying the Three Rs to minimise the harm,
maximise benefits and 3) promote good animal welfare practices
2.6 Describe and discuss the importance of the ThreeRs as a guiding principle in the use of animals in
scientific procedures
2.7 Explain the Five Freedoms and how these apply to laboratory species
2.11 Describe the importance of good animal welfare including its effect on scientific outcomes as well as for
societal and moral reasons.
2.12 Describe the need for a culture of care and the individual’s role in contributing to this
2.13 Describe relevant sources of information relating to ethics, animal welfare and the implementation of
the Three Rs.
2.14 Be aware of different search tools (e.g. EURL ECVAM Search Guide, Go3Rs) and methods of search (e.g.
Systematic reviews, meta analysis).
7.8 Recognize that refinement is an on-going process and know where to find relevant, up-to-date,
23.4 Explain how the Three Rs contribute to the continuous improvement of welfare, husbandry and
enrichment practices
Ethics, the Three Rs and welfare considerations when using cephalopods – continued – J.B. Prins
51.1 Be aware/Explain [adjust measurable verb according to the level] how to use different search tools (e.g.
EURL ECVAM Search Guide, Go3Rs) and methods of search (e.g. Systematic reviews, meta analysis).
51.2 Explain the importance of dissemination of study results irrespective of the outcome and describe the
key issues to be reported when using live animals in research e.g. ARRIVE guidelines.
Severity of regulated procedures in cephalopods under Directive 2010/63/EU – P. Andrews
2.8 Describe the concept of harms to animals including avoidable and unavoidable suffering, direct,
contingent and cumulative suffering
2.9 Describe the severity classification system, and give examples of each category. Describe cumulative
severity and the effect this may have on the severity classification.
3.1.3 Indicate how good welfare can promote good science: e.g. explain how the failure to attend to
biological and behavioural needs may affect the outcome of procedures.
5.2 Recognise abnormal behaviour and signs of discomfort, pain, suffering, or distress, as well as signs of
positive well-being and principles of how pain, suffering and distress can be managed
5.3 Discuss factors to be considered and methods available for assessing and recording the welfare of
animals e.g. score sheets
5.4 Describe what a humane end point is. Identify criteria to be used to set humane endpoints. Define
action to be taken when a humane endpoint is reached and consider possible options for refining
methods to finish at an earlier endpoint.
5.5 Describe the severity classifications included in the Directive and give examples of each category;
explain cumulative severity and the effect this may have on the severity classification.
5.6 Describe the circumstances when anaesthesia or analgesia may be necessary to minimise pain,
suffering, distress or lasting harm
7.2 Describe the biological impact of procedures and restraint on physiology.
7.3 Describe refinement opportunities for procedures and restraint e.g. through training (using positive reenforcement), habituation and socialisation of animals
7.8 Recognize that refinement is an on-going process and know where to find relevant, up-to-date,
Procedures, their planning and Humane Endpoints
1.8 Describe when a procedure becomes regulated under National legislation (minimum threshold of pain,
suffering, distress or lasting harm).
1.11 Indicate the circumstances in which animals under the scope of the Directive should be humanely killed
or removed from the study to receive veterinary treatment
2.3 Identify ethical and animal welfare issues in their own work and be aware and able to reflect on the
consequences of their own actions.
2.8 Describe the concept of harms to animals including avoidable and unavoidable suffering, direct,
contingent and cumulative suffering
2.9 Describe the severity classification system, and give examples of each category. Describe cumulative
severity and the effect this may have on the severity classification
2.11 Describe the importance of good animal welfare including its effect on scientific outcomes as well as for
societal and moral reasons
5.1 Recognise normal or desirable behaviour and appearance of the individuals in the context of species,
environment and physiological status.
Procedures, their planning and Humane Endpoints – continued
5.2 Recognise abnormal behaviour and signs of discomfort, pain, suffering, or distress, as well as signs of
positive well-being and principles of how pain, suffering and distress can be managed
5.3 Discuss factors to be considered and methods available for assessing and recording the welfare of
animals e.g. score sheets.
5.4 Describe what a humane end point is. Identify criteria to be used to set humane endpoints. Define
action to be taken when a humane endpoint is reached and consider possible options for refining
methods to finish at an earlier endpoint.
5.5 Describe the severity classifications included in the Directive and give examples of each category;
explain cumulative severity and the effect this may have on the severity classification
5.6 Describe the circumstances when anaesthesia or analgesia may be necessary to minimise pain,
suffering, distress or lasting harm
Experimental procedures under Directive 2010/63/EU
1.7 Indicate who is responsible for compliance at an establishment and how this responsibility may be
exercised (e.g. through the local AWB).
1.8 Describe when a procedure becomes regulated under National legislation (minimum threshold of pain,
suffering, distress or lasting harm).
1.9 Indicate who bears primary responsibility for the animals undergoing procedures.
1.10 List which species, including respective stages of development that are included in the scope of the
Directive / National law.
1.11 Indicate the circumstances in which animals under the scope of the Directive should be humanely killed
or removed from the study to receive veterinary treatment
2.5 Describe how the law is based on an ethical framework which requires 1) weighing the harms and
benefits of projects (the harm/benefit assessment) 2) applying the Three Rs to minimise the harm,
maximise benefits and 3) promote good animal welfare practices
2.6 Describe and discuss the importance of the Three Rs as a guiding principle in the use of animals in
scientific procedures
2.8 Describe the concept of harms to animals including avoidable and
unavoidable suffering, direct, contingent and cumulative suffering
2.9 Describe the severity classification system, and give examples of each category. Describe cumulative
severity and the effect this may have on the severity classification.
2.10 Describe the regulations regarding re-use of animals
2.12 Describe the need for a culture of care and the individual’s role in contributing to this.
Minimally invasive procedures
7.1 Describe appropriate methods and principles to be followed when handling animals (including methods
of manual restraint and use of restricted environments).
7.2 Describe the biological impact of procedures and restraint on physiology
7.3 Describe refinement opportunities for procedures and restraint e.g. through training (using positive reenforcement), habituation and socialisation of animals
7.4 Describe techniques/procedures including, for example, injection, sampling and dosing techniques
(routes/volumes/frequency), dietary modification, gavage, tissue biopsy, behavioural tests, use of
metabolic cages.
7.5 Describe how to perform minor techniques and relate appropriate sample volumes and sampling
frequencies for the relevant species
7.6 Describe the need for rigour and consistency in conducting scientific procedures and the correct
recording and handling of samples.
Minimally invasive procedures – continued
7.7 Describe appropriate methods for the assessment of the welfare of animals with respect to the severity
of procedures and know what appropriate action to take
7.8 Recognize that refinement is an on-going process and know where to find relevant, up-to-date,
Catching cephalopods for scientific purposes and their transport
3.1.2 Recognize and describe life events that have the potential to cause suffering including sourcing,
transport, housing, husbandry, handling and procedures (on a basic level).
4.12 List the correct procedures for ensuring health, welfare and care of animals during their transport.
5.2 Recognise abnormal behaviour and signs of discomfort, pain, suffering, or distress, as well as signs of
positive well-being and principles of how pain, suffering and distress can be managed
7.1 Describe appropriate methods and principles to be followed when handling animals (including methods
of manual restraint and use of restricted environments).
7.3 Describe refinement opportunities for procedures and restraint e.g. through training (using positive reenforcement), habituation and socialisation of animals
7.9 Describe the biological consequences of transport, acclimatization, husbandry conditions and
experimental procedures on the species concerned and describe how these can be minimised
23.25 Identify the key pieces of legislation controlling the transportation of animals.
23.26 Describe the procedures, equipment, legislative responsibilities and responsible persons in transport of
23.27 Explain how health status & animal welfare standards are maintained throughout the transport.
Transporting cephalopods for scientific purposes
4.1 Describe suitable routines and husbandry practices for the maintenance, care and welfare for a range of
animals used in research, to include small laboratory species and large animal species where
4.7 List the methods, and demonstrate an understanding of appropriate, safe and humane handling, sexing
and restraint of one or more named species for common scientific procedures
7.1 Describe appropriate methods and principles to be followed when handling animals (including methods
of manual restraint and use of restricted environments).
7.2 Describe the biological impact of procedures and restraint on physiology
7.9 Describe the biological consequences of transport, acclimatization, husbandry conditions and
experimental procedures on the species concerned and describe how these can be minimised
23.25 Identify the key pieces of legislation controlling the transportation of animals
23.26 Describe the procedures, equipment, legislative responsibilities and responsible persons in transport of
23.27 Explain how health status & animal welfare standards are maintained throughout the transport.
Humanely killing cephalopods and confirmation of death – G. Ponte
5.4 Describe what a humane end point is. Identify criteria to be used to set humane endpoints. Define
action to be taken when a humane endpoint is reached and consider possible options for refining
methods to finish at an earlier endpoint.
6.1.1 Describe the principles of humane killing (e.g. what constitutes ‘a good death’)
6.1.2 Describe the different methods by which the relevant animals are allowed to be killed, the influence
different methods can have on scientific outcomes, and how to select the most appropriate method.
6.1.3 Explain why someone competent to kill animals should be available at all times (whether care staff or
person carrying out procedures)
Housing, Facility Management and Care of cephalopods
3.1.2 Recognize and describe life events that have the potential to cause suffering including sourcing,
transport, housing, husbandry, handling and procedures (on a basic level).
3.1.3 Indicate how good welfare can promote good science: e.g. explain how the failure to attend to
biological and behavioural needs may affect the outcome of procedures
3.1.5 Describe the dietary requirements of the relevant animal species and explain how these can be met.
3.1.6 Describe the importance of providing an enriched environment (appropriate to both the species and the
science) including social housing and opportunities for exercise, resting and sleeping.
3.1.9 Maintain and interpret accurate, comprehensive records of animals held in the animal facility, including
the wellbeing of the animals
4.1 Describe suitable routines and husbandry practices for the maintenance, care and welfare for a range of
animals used in research, to include small laboratory species and large animal species where
4.2 Describe suitable environmental and housing conditions for laboratory animals, how conditions are
monitored and identify the consequences for the animal resulting from inappropriate environmental
4.4 Describe the biological consequences of acclimatisation, habituation and training
4.5 Describe how the animal facility is organized to maintain an appropriate health status for the animals
and the scientific procedures.
4.6 Describe how to provide water and an appropriate diet for laboratory animals including the sourcing,
storage and presentation of suitable foodstuffs and water
4.13 List potential human health hazards associated with contact with laboratory animals (including allergy,
injury, infection, zoonosis) and how these can be prevented
7.9 Describe the biological consequences of transport, acclimatization, husbandry conditions and
experimental procedures on the species concerned and describe how these can be minimised.
23.1 Describe how environmental conditions may need to be varied according to the species, age, and life
stage or specific care conditions (e.g. peri-operative care, immuno-deficient animals, genetically altered
23.2 Discuss the possible effects of an uncontrolled environment on animal welfare and experimental
23.5 Describe suitable environmental conditions and enrichment for the relevant animal species and how
these conditions are monitored.
23.6 Be able to use environmental measure equipment, read charts, graphs or tables generated by
environmental monitoring equipment and evaluate potential problems
23.7 Describe suitable routines and housing conditions or laboratory animals housed for different scientific
23.8 Explain how routines and housing conditions may change given specified conditions
23.9 Evaluate the use of barriers in controlling the animals’ health status.
Cephalopod Welfare from hatchling to mature adult: life-cycle & implications for care and
experimentation on captive animals
2.3 Identify ethical and animal welfare issues in their own work and be aware and able to reflect on the
consequences of their own actions
3.1.1 Describe basic anatomy, physiology, reproduction and behaviour of the relevant species.
3.1.3 Indicate how good welfare can promote good science: e.g. explain how the failure to attend to
biological and behavioural needs may affect the outcome of procedures
23.5 Describe suitable environmental conditions and enrichment for the relevant animal species and how
these conditions are monitored.
23.16 Summarise the basic breeding data of common laboratory animals
23.17 Describe in detail suitable breeding programmes for named species under specified conditions
23.19 List methods for determining oestrus, mating and confirming pregnancy in laboratory animals and
evaluate their effectiveness.
Cephalopod Biology: from form to function – G. Fiorito
3.1.1 Describe basic anatomy, physiology, reproduction and behaviour of the relevant species
3.1.3 Indicate how good welfare can promote good science: e.g. explain how the failure to attend to
biological and behavioural needs may affect the outcome of procedures
3.1.6 Describe the importance of providing an enriched environment (appropriate to both the species and the
science) including social housing and opportunities for exercise, resting and sleeping.
3.1.7 When relevant to the species, recognise that there are different strains, and that these can have
different characteristics which can affect both welfare and science
3.1.8 When relevant to the species, recognise that alterations to the genome can affect the phenotype in
unexpected and subtle ways, and the importance of monitoring such animals very carefully.
5.1 Recognise normal or desirable behaviour and appearance of the individuals in the context of species,
environment and physiological status.
5.3 Discuss factors to be considered and methods available for assessing and recording the welfare of
animals e.g. score sheets
23.3 Discuss how environmental enrichment is achieved
23.4 Explain how the Three Rs contribute to the continuous improvement of welfare, husbandry and
enrichment practices
M. Solé – Sensory biology, sound perception and influence of noise in cephalopods (S/T)
3.1.1 Describe basic anatomy, physiology, reproduction and behaviour of the relevant species.
Activity Cycles and their Disruption: the case of cephalopods
4.2 Describe suitable environmental and housing conditions for laboratory animals, how conditions are
monitored and identify the consequences for the animal resulting from inappropriate environmental
4.3 Recognise that changes to or disruption of circadian or photoperiod can effect animals
4.4 Describe the biological consequences of acclimatisation, habituation and training
Health status and cephalopods diseases
4.9 List potential disease risks in the animal facility, including specific predisposing factors which may be
relevant. Name methods available for maintaining appropriate health status (including use of barriers,
different containment levels use of sentinels as relevant to the species).
4.12 List the correct procedures for ensuring health, welfare and care of animals during their transport.
4.13 List potential human health hazards associated with contact with laboratory animals (including allergy,
injury, infection, zoonosis) and how these can be prevented.
5.3 Discuss factors to be considered and methods available for assessing and recording the welfare of
animals e.g. score sheets
23.10 Describe a health-screening programme suitable for the animals in their care.
23.11 Discuss potential sources of disease in the animal facility
23.12 Recognise examples of laboratory animal parasites
23.13 Describe the life cycle of some common laboratory animal disease organisms
23.14 Explain methods for minimising the risk from disease organisms
23.15 Apply suitable disease control methods under specified conditions
General Anesthesia: an introduction and considerations relevant to cephalopods;
Local & General Anaesthesia in cephalopods – G. Ponte
20.1 Define sedation, local and general anaesthesia
20.2 Identify the three components of the triad of anaesthesia and understand that different anaesthetic
agents produce these to different degrees
20.3 Define balanced anaesthesia and indicate that this is best achieved by using drugs in combinations to
achieve all components of the anaesthetic triad to an acceptable degree
20.4 Relate why and when sedation or anaesthesia might be used for restraint
20.5 List the factors to be considered in pre-anaesthetic evaluation of animals – how to perform a basic
health check, consider physiological or pathological status of the model they are working with and how
these may influence the choice of anaesthetic agent.
20.6 Discuss the relative merits / drawbacks and principles of selection of different agents and their
application, including calculation of doses, in relevant species, including injectable and volatile agents
(or dissolved agents in the case of aquatic species), including local anaesthesia regimes
20.7 Indicate the importance of minimising stress prior to anaesthesia in reducing the likelihood of
complications due to anaesthesia
20.8 Recognise when premedication is beneficial to incorporate into an anaesthetic regime
20.9 Describe and demonstrate the correct set-up, operation and maintenance of anaesthetic equipment
appropriate to the species concerned
20.10 Evaluate and appreciate the different levels and planes of anaesthesia (voluntary excitement,
involuntary excitement, surgical anaesthesia (light, medium & deep), excessively deep).
20.11 List the factors indicating that an animal is suitably anaesthetized (stable and of appropriate depth) to
enable procedures to be undertaken and what actions should be taken if an adverse event occurs. This
will include basic “hands on” and “observational” anaesthetic monitoring techniques, including
assessment of reflexes appropriate for species
20.12 Describe methods of optimising post anaesthetic recovery (e.g. heat blankets, analgesia, reversal
agents, access to food and water, environmental conditions) to ensure a smooth and rapid recovery
from anaesthesia.
20.13 Demonstrate an understanding of safe/good working practices with regard to use, storage and disposal
of anaesthetic and analgesic agents.
Basic principles of surgery for aquatic species; considerations to cephalopods
22.1 Explain the relevance and need for pre-operative assessment and, where appropriate, conditioning.
22.2 Identify sources of reference for good surgical practice
22.5 Describe in general terms how personnel, animals, instruments and equipment should be prepared for
aseptic surgery
22.15 Describe particular aspects of care appropriate for animals before, during and after surgical or any other
potentially painful intervention
Nutrition and Feeding G. – Fiorito
3.1.5 Describe the dietary requirements of the relevant animal species and explain how these can be met.
4.6 Describe how to provide water and an appropriate diet for laboratory animals including the sourcing,
storage and presentation of suitable foodstuffs and water
7.9 Describe the biological consequences of transport, acclimatization, husbandry conditions and
experimental procedures on the species concerned and describe how these can be minimised.
G. Ponte – Administration of substances. Theoretical considerations of practical methods
7.4 Describe techniques/procedures including, for example, injection, sampling and dosing techniques
(routes/volumes/frequency), dietary modification, gavage, tissue biopsy, behavioural tests, use of
metabolic cages
7.5 Describe how to perform minor techniques and relate appropriate sample volumes and sampling
frequencies for the relevant species
7.6 Describe the need for rigour and consistency in conducting scientific procedures and the correct
recording and handling of samples
7.7 Describe appropriate methods for the assessment of the welfare of animals with respect to the severity
of procedures and know what appropriate action to take
Recognition of pain, suffering and distress – G. Fiorito
2.8 Describe the concept of harms to animals including avoidable and unavoidable suffering, direct,
contingent and cumulative suffering
5.1 Recognise normal or desirable behaviour and appearance of the individuals in the context of species,
environment and physiological status
5.2 Recognise abnormal behaviour and signs of discomfort, pain, suffering, or distress, as well as signs of
positive well-being and principles of how pain, suffering and distress can be managed
5.3 Discuss factors to be considered and methods available for assessing and recording the welfare of
animals e.g. score sheets
5.5 Describe the severity classifications included in the Directive and give examples of each category;
explain cumulative severity and the effect this may have on the severity classification
5.6 Describe the circumstances when anaesthesia or analgesia may be necessary to minimise pain,
suffering, distress or lasting harm
6.1.3 Explain why someone competent to kill animals should be available at all times (whether care staff or
person carrying out procedures)
- Other Training Events
CBC Trainees and Faculty members – CBC2022 Trainees: Experiencing cephalopods
2.3 Identify ethical and animal welfare issues in their own work and be aware and able to reflect on the
consequences of their own actions
7.7 Describe appropriate methods for the assessment of the welfare of animals with respect to the severity
of procedures and know what appropriate action to take
CBC Trainees and Faculty members – Practicals, including hands-on
Module 3.2: Basic and appropriate biology – species specific (practical) [Function Specific for Functions
A, C and D]
3.2.1 Be able to approach, handle/pick up and restrain an animal and return it to its cage/pen in a calm,
confident and empathetic manner such that the animal is not distressed or caused harm
8.1 Select and explain the best methods for common procedures (such as blood sampling and application of
substances) including route/volume/ frequency as appropriate
8.2 Demonstrate that s/he can handle and restrain the animal in the best position for the technique.
8.3 Perform minor techniques under supervision, in a manner that does not inflict unnecessary pain,
suffering, distress or lasting harm
6.2.1 Proficiently and humanely carry out euthanasia using appropriate techniques on relevant species of
laboratory animals
6.2.2 Demonstrate how death is confirmed and how cadavers should be processed or otherwise disposed of.
20.6 Discuss the relative merits / drawbacks and principles of selection of different agents and their
application, including calculation of doses, in relevant species, including injectable and volatile agents
(or dissolved agents in the case of aquatic species), including local anaesthesia regimes
20.9 Describe and demonstrate the correct set-up, operation and maintenance of anaesthetic equipment
appropriate to the species concerned
20.10 Evaluate and appreciate the different levels and planes of anaesthesia (voluntary excitement,
involuntary excitement, surgical anaesthesia (light, medium & deep), excessively deep).
20.11 List the factors indicating that an animal is suitably anaesthetized (stable and of appropriate depth) to
enable procedures to be undertaken and what actions should be taken if an adverse event occurs. This
will include basic “hands on” and “observational” anaesthetic monitoring techniques, including
assessment of reflexes appropriate for species
20.12 Describe methods of optimising post anaesthetic recovery (e.g. heat blankets, analgesia, reversal
agents, access to food and water, environmental conditions) to ensure a smooth and rapid recovery
from anaesthesia.
20.13 Demonstrate an understanding of safe/good working practices with regard to use, storage and disposal
of anaesthetic and analgesic agents
Program 2024

Graziano Fiorito - Course Organizer and CBC Program Director
Senior Scientist, Department of Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn & Association for Cephalopod Research ‘CephRes’
Graziano Fiorito is a biologist with over thirty years’ experience in research on biological, neural and behavioral plasticity. He is currently Senior Scientist at the Department of Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms of the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples (Italy). G. Fiorito main research interest is on how neural circuity controls complex behaviour including individual and social learning.
He has been active in promoting best-practice and scientific approaches for improvement of animal welfare in scientific research as applied to cephalopod molluscs.
Together with Dr Ponte and other colleagues, G. Fiorito is committed to create a community-based resource and guidance for the use of cephalopods as experimental animals in compliance to the Directive 2010/63/EU.
Graziano Fiorito is Cephalopod Biology and Care (CBC) training program Director and Course Organizer.

David Anderson
Past President of LASA, Vice-President of IAT. Currently, Technical Advisor to the European Commission for the implementation of the European Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
United Kingdom
David Anderson BVMS MVM MRCVS
David Anderson is a Vice-President of IAT, Past President of LASA and a current member of LAVA Council.
He is a veterinary surgeon with over thirty-five years experience in practice, academia and government service. He worked initially in a University teaching environment where he developed an interest and expertise in veterinary reproduction, and was Named Veterinary Surgeon under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act.
Until 2010, he worked in the UK Home Office in the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Inspectorate and advised on the care and use of animals in scientific procedures, and was involved in the development of improved practices in welfare, accommodation and care of animals used in scientific procedures in UK and Europe.
Since 2011, his main role has been to provide technical support to the European Commission during the transposition of the new European Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.
In his “spare” time, he continues to enjoy curling and golf.

Paul Andrews
Emeritus Professor of Comparative Physiology St George’s University of London
Research Associate, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Association for Cephalopod Research ‘CephRes’
United Kingdom – for 2020 edition not delivering teaching in real time
Paul Andrews PhD, DSc is Emeritus Professor of Comparative Physiology at St George’s University of London, UK and holds an honorary Research Fellowship at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples in the Department of Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms. His main area of research is digestive tract disorders in relation to identification of novel drug therapies with recent studies focusing on application of non-animal methodologies. He has had a long- standing interest in comparative physiology of the digestive tract including cephalopods. Over the last 10 years he has worked closely with Dr Fiorito and Dr Ponte on application of Directive 2010/63/EU to cephalopods, development of guidelines for care and welfare, and severity assessment.

Pamela Imperadore
Manager & Technical Support, Staff – Functional Area ‘Physiology and Behavior’, Department of Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (Napoli).
Pamela Imperadore is involved in different research projects with two major focuses: the investigation of the mechanisms controlling regeneration and the identification of the molecular machinery of nociception in cephalopod mollusks. Currently, she is a permanent staff member of the Department of Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples (Italy). Pamela got her PhD in 2017 in Animal Biology (University of Calabria, Italy) studying nerve regeneration in the common octopus.
Since 2018 she is contributing to the McDonnell Initiative promoting collaboration amongst historians and philosophers of science and practicing life scientists in studies of regeneration across complex living systems..

João Pereira
Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA)
Joao Pereira is serving the DGRM (Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services) fulfilling an administrative role in charge of fisheries management, for the past 4 years. Joao Pereira is senior researcher of IPMA (Portuguese Sea and Atmosphere Research Institute, Portugal). Dr Pereira has a long-standing interest in minimizing unnecessary mortality and suffering of animals during fishing, and optimizing fishing process.

Jan-Bas Prins
Director of the Biological Research Facility of The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK
Professor of Laboratory Animal Science, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands.
United Kingdom
Jan-Bas Prins did his PhD in Laboratory Animal Science with Professor Van Zutphen at the University of Utrecht. After post-doctoral projects at the University of Oxford, UK, and the Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, he became the head of the pre-clinical division of the Department of Pulmonary Medicine at the Erasmus Medical Centre.
In 2002, he moved on taking the position of Director of the Central Animal Facility of the Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands. In 2018, he took up the position at the Francis Crick Institute.
He is a former President of FELASA.
He is a member of the Netherlands National Committee for the protection of animals used for scientific porposes, Chairman of Laboratory Animals Ltd, member of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Guido Bernardini for education and training in Laboratory Animal Science, Vice-President of the Institute of Animal Technology, and ans AAALAC ad hoc specialist.

Giovanna Ponte
Staff Scientist, Department of Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Director of Operations, Association for Cephalopod Research ‘CephRes’
Giovanna Ponte is Scientist at the Department of Biology and Evolution of Marine Organisms of the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples (Italy). She earned her degree on Pharmacological Chemistry (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) and a PhD in Animal Biology (University of Calabria, Italy) with a project focused on localization of biogenic amines in octopus.
G. Ponte has over ten years experience in studying the neural modulation and brain complexity with an evolutionary approach focusing on cephalopods. Her interest on animal welfare as applied to cephalopods, allowed her to be the proposer and the Chair of the COST Action FA1301, the first networking initiative dedicated to cephalopods ever funded.
Since 2010, she has been working to facilitate implementation of the European Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, as applied to cephalopod molluscs.
Her main interest is the neural modulatory mechanisms governing physiological and behavioral plasticity with particular attention to the cephalopod mollusc Octopus vulgaris.

Patri Vergara
Professor in Physiology at the School of Veterinary Science, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)
President of the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS). Coordinator of the ICLAS Network for Promoting Animal Quality in Research
Professor Patri Vergara, DVM, PhD, DipECLAM
Professor in Physiology at the School of Veterinary Science, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain.
Person responsible for the education and training of personnel who use animals for scientific purposes. Course co-ordinator for: FELASA Accredited course for scientists, functions a, b, c, d; UAB-ECLAM training program; Master Course in Laboratory Animal Science and Welfare (FELASA accredited as Specialist programme) and Certificate in Laboratory Animal Science and Medicine (VetCEE approved).
FELASA 40 Years Anniversary EducationalAward.
President of the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS). Coordinator of the ICLAS Network for Promoting Animal Quality in Research.
Former Chair of the FELASA Accreditation Board for Training and Education in Laboratory Animal Science.
Member of the European Platform for Education and Training in Laboratory Animal Science (ETPLAS).
Charter Diplomate of the European College for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ECLAM).
Responsible for a research group on digestive diseases since 1999. Interests in research: neurogastroenterology, mast cells, microbiota, IBD, IBS.
Responsible for SIAL/UAB (Integrative services for laboratory animals at the UAB) which supports basic research projects using animal models, carries out preclinical studies and acts as the distribution centre for ICLAS Laboratory Animal Quality Network programs.

Arianna Aricò
Master degree in Laboratory Animal Science and Welfare, accredited by FELASA
Designated Veterinarian, Association for Cephalopod Research ‘CephRes’
ELASA D – Laboratory Animal Science Specialist
Certificate in “Laboratory Animal Science and Medicine” recognized by VetCEE
ESLAV and ECLAM Member
Currently: Designated Veterinarian for Merck RBM S.p.A (Ivrea, Italy), Fondazione IRET ONLUS (Bologna, Italy), VETSPIN srl (Bologna, Italy)
PhD, Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science, University of Padova, Padova (Italy) and Department of Pathobiology, University of Veterinary Medicine of Wien, Vienna (Austria)
Clinical competencies of veterinary medicine; Experimental competencies in all animals used for scientific purposes (Directive 2010-63-EU); Training, Education and Mentoring to the personnel involved in in vivo experiments design/execution in agreement with current legislation and AAALAC guidelines; Maintenance of mouse transgenic colonies; Surgical procedures (orthotopic and subcutaneous transplantation); Patient-Derived Xenographs (PDX); Cytology; Flow-cytometry; Histopathology; Immunohistochemistry; Necropsy; Tissue trimming; Cell cultures; Techniques of medical biotechnogy

Lars Jürgens

Adrian Smith
Secretary, Norecopa: Norway’s national consensus-platform for the 3Rs
Professor Adrian Smith is Secretary to the Norwegian 3Rs platform Norecopa (https://norecopa.no)
Adrian is a British veterinarian who graduated from Cambridge University in 1979. After a year in mixed practice in the UK he emigrated to Norway where he has lived since. For much of this time he has been employed by the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, where he defended his doctoral thesis within the reproductive physiology of seasonal breeders. He held the Chair in Laboratory Animal Science from 1988 and was an active ECLAM diplomate until he left the School in 2011. He was heavily involved in the work of introducing mandatory training in laboratory animal science in Norway, and has arranged over 50 courses for all personnel categories. During this period he was also a member of the National Animal Research Authority which oversaw all animal research in Norway, and served on the committee which created the curriculum for the Veterinary Nurse program in Norway. He has been the Secretary of Norway’s consensus-platform for the 3Rs, Norecopa (https://norecopa.no) since it was established in 2007. He has had a special interest in 3R resources for many years and has co-authored several databases in this area which are now incorporated in the Norecopa website. He is a Board Member of the Danish 3R centre and a member of the National Committee for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes in Denmark. He travels widely and presents at international meetings. He is lead author of the PREPARE guidelines for planning animal experiments.
Recent publications:
Smith AJ (2020): Guidelines for planning and conducting high-quality research and testing on animals. Laboratory Animal Research 36, 21. https://doi.org/10.1186/s42826-020-00054-0
Smith AJ & Lilley E (2019): The Role of the Three Rs in Improving the Planning and Reproducibility of Animal Experiments. Animals 9(11), 975; https://doi.org/10.3390/ani9110975
Knudsen LE, Smith A, Törnqvist E, Forsby A & Tähti H (2018): Nordic Symposium on “Toxicology and Pharmacology without Animal Experiments – will it be possible in the next 10 years?” Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, https://doi.org/10.1111/bcpt.13193
Smith AJ, Clutton RE, Lilley E, Hansen KEA & Brattelid T (2017): PREPARE: Guidelines for Planning Animal Research and Testing. Laboratory Animals, 52(2): 135-141. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0023677217724823
Barney R, Beatham S, Carter S, Clubb R, Garrod K, Gale M, Gomm M, Knight K, Lane J, Mathews F, Pimlott P, Smith A, Wilson R, Weyer U, Hawkins P (2017): Report of a RSPCA/APHA meeting on the welfare of wild animals used in research. Animal Technology and Welfare 16(1): 13-25
Smith AJ & Hawkins PH (2016): Good Science, Good Sense and Good Sensibilities: The Three Ss of Carol Newton. Animals, 6, 70. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/6/11/70
Smith AJ (2015): Have the 3Rs and alternatives been effectively explored? Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica, 23(6): 656-664
Smith, AJ (2015): How can standardised reporting of animal research advance the 3Rs? Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica, 23(5): 543-550
Dewi S, Aune T, Bunæs JAA, Smith AJ & Larsen S (2014): The development of response surface pathway design to reduce animal numbers in toxicity studies. BMC Pharmacol Toxicol, 15: 18. https://bmcpharmacoltoxicol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/2050-6511-15-18
Hawkins P, Clutton RE, Dennison N, Guesgen Mirjam, Leach M, Sharpe F, Simmons H, Smith AJ, Webster J, Weyer U (2014): Report of an RSPCA/AHVLA meeting on the welfare of agricultural animals in research: cattle, goats, pigs and sheep. Animal Technology and Welfare, 13(1): 43-56

David Smith
Retired Senior Director of Toxicology
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
Before retirement, Dr Smith’s career spanned almost 50 years in Pharmaceutical Research and Development in the discipline of toxicology. He continues to be active in the field of laboratory animal science (LAS).
He is currently Immediate Past-President of ETPLAS, the Education & Training Platform for LAS. He has served as Vice President (VP) of European Affairs for the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Associations (FELASA) and also held the position of President.
He is a Past-President of the UK Laboratory Animal Science Association (LASA) where he received their Medal for services to LAS. He was nominated as an “Expert in toxicology”; for the European Consensus of Platforms on Alternatives (ECOPA) and has been a past-Board member of the UK National Centre for Replacement, Reduction and Refinement (NC3Rs) during its first four years in operation. He is a past member of the UK Home Office Animal Procedures Committee (APC). He is a past chair of the Animal Welfare Body for the MRC Centre for Macaques at Porton Down. He has been member of the Animal Welfare Body of Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (Napoli), and member of the Animal Welfare Body of the Association for Cephalopod Research ‘CephRes’.
Dr Smith has chaired a number of European technical working parties for both the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations and FELASA. These groups have developed good working practices for early toxicity testing in dogs, minimizing dog use in pre-clinical toxicology and a good practice guide to administration of substances and removal of blood.
As Convenor of a FELASA working group, Dr Smith has developed guidance on
continuing professional development (CPD) for those involved in animal research.
He has also chaired a joint working group of LASA and the UK Home Office Animal Procedures Committee which examined the feasibility of reporting the severity of procedures on animals. He represented industry and FELASA on a number of Expert Working Groups of the EU Commission during review and implementation of Directive 2010/63/EU.
He was Convenor of a joint working group of FELASA/ESLAV/ECLAM providing guidance on assessment and reporting of severity of animals used in scientific procedures and has delivered severity assessment workshops across Europe.
David Smith PhD, CBiol, MRSB, MPhil, FBTS, EUROTOX Registered Toxicologistx

Viola Galligioni
Chief Technical Officer, Comparative Medicine Unit, Trinity College Dublin
Viola Galligioni is Chief Technical Officer I at the Comparative Medicine Unit, Trinity College Dublin (TCD, Ireland). She is acting as TCD Animal Care and Welfare Officer and Information Officer. Dr Galligioni graduated as veterinarian and did her PhD in viral diseases in animals at the University of Bologna (Italy). After the post-doctoral research, she has managed the Model Organism Facility at the Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO, University of Trento, Italy) and the Animal Center at the International Clinical Research Center (FNUSA-ICRC, Brno, Czech Republic), before moving to Dublin in 2017.
Viola has experience with a variety of lab animal species (mice, rats, rabbits, zebrafish, Nothobranchius, Xenopus), including collaboration on cephalopods (Dr Fiorito's lab).
Dr Galligioni is currently Board member of the European Society of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians.

David B. Edelman, PhD
Visiting Scholar,
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Dartmouth College,
Hanover, New Hampshire (USA)
Association for Cephalopod Research, Senior Scientist (Italy)
Currently a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth College, David Edelman has conducted research in a wide range of areas, including mechanisms of transcriptional gene regulation, the relationship between mitochondrial transport and brain activity, and visual perception and working memory in the octopus, among others. Edelman’s exploration of the neural basis of consciousness over the past 15 years has reinforced his view that this most complex of brain faculties has an ancient evolutionary history rooted in the rise of distance vision during the Cambrian Period.
Before his current research appointment at Dartmouth, Edelman held teaching appointments at the University of California, San Diego (2015-2017), University of San Diego (2015), was a professor of neuroscience at Bennington College (2012-2014), an Associate Fellow in Experimental Neurobiology at The Neurosciences Institute (NSI) in San Diego (2008-2012) and an Assistant Professor of Neurobiology at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) in La Jolla (2011-2012).
After earning his PhD in paleoanthropology at the University of Pennsylvania in 1997, Edelman completed postdoctoral fellowships in molecular and cellular biology in 2001 (TSRI) and neuroscience in 2006 (NSI).ss.